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The Beginning (But Not Really)


The campaign began in June 2021, but notes were not taken on a labeled per-session basis until this point. Since we just wrapped up the Lost Mine of Phandelver module/story arc, we begin here with the following as “Session 1” of recorded history.

A new day dawns on Phandalin.

Kleb wakes first, inspects the breastplate he picked up, and discovers that the insignia emblazoned on it is a representation of Bahamut (metallic dragon god of law).

Kleb heads downstairs to take his spare armor to the Smithy but encounters Fallon, who is getting ready to depart. He sends the bard off with a hearty shoulder clap and a promise to meet again one day. Kleb commissions a set of plate mail and heads to the town green to do a workout (as ostentatiously as possible). He eventually gains the attention of some workers who are constructing a retaining wall for “the rejuvenation of Phandalin” on Sildar’s dime and they banter for a while (budding bromance?).

Rowan and Rulkorf finally wake up by the middle of the afternoon and share a hearty meal in the common area of the Stonehill Inn. Kleb returns and joins them for his post-workout protein supplement. The party heads over to Garaele’s to check on Nundro, with Rulkorf and Rowan stopping to pay their respects at the Shrine of Luck. The dwarf drops off one of his ball bearings as an acknowledgment to Tymora. Rowan notes a distinct feeling that something is amiss when he makes a small prayer to the Goddess, but keeps this to himself.

Sister Garaele tells the party that she believes the Black Spider to be a male drow, although there are many rumors about his identity, implying that the doppelganger that the group killed was likely just his subordinate. She further tells them that she is part of a secret society called The Harpers, who are tasked with safeguarding knowledge, and shows them her medallion (a silver harp on a crescent moon). Sister Garaele extends an offer of membership to the party, which Kleb rejects on the basis of not being “tied down,” but Rulkorf and Rowan accept. She traces the Harpers’ symbol in the air, and initiates them as Harper-Watchers with a wave of blue energy.

She has an assignment for the new Watchers, which will be their next order of business…